The Call for Poetry for the 2024 Art on the Trails outdoor exhibition is open from June 16 to July 31.

  • Please VISIT BEAL'S PRESERVE in Southborough MA, or VISIT the ART installed there via the Website:
  • Please be inspired by the art and write a poem in response to one, two, three, many, or all of the art on exhibit this year.
  • Please submit ONE original, unpublished poem per submission. Your poem MUST be written in response to the ART ON THE TRAILS AT BEAL'S PRESERVE. Be sure to select the art piece from the exhibit that your poem is in response to. 
  • Please limit poem length to 28 lines or less - INCLUDING STANZA BREAKS. 
  • Due to space limitations, it would be very helpful to have your poems formatted to A5 page size, which is the closest to the size of the book. Please pay attention to line length as this page size favors lines that are shorter. 
  • You may make multiple submissions, but please make each poem you submit a separate submission. 
  • Also please be sure NO IDENTIFYING INFORMATION is on the poem itself. 
  • Please be sure to submit a cover letter with a short bio (about 50 words) in the alloted space. Your cover letter should also contain the name of your poem, the art piece your poem is responding to, as well as your name as you wish it to appear should your poem be selected for publication.
  • THANK YOU for sending us your work! We're very excited to read it!
2024 Art on the Trails: Legacy